Through shrewd negotiations and expert litigation, we are able to obtain compensation for clients who have been injured or killed in motor vehicle accidents, unsafe housing conditions, slip and fall accidents, hazardous conditions at a place of business, and other perilous situations.


  • Obtained a settlement of $242,220.00 for a widow who filed a claim for survivor’s benefits under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act alleging that the prior workplace exposure to asbestos, development of lung cancer, and removal of part of her husband’s lung, caused, contributed to, and/or hastened his death.
  • Represented an 85 year-old woman who suffered a fall when her walker was struck by a heavy door as she was entering a bank. The door had high opening and closing forces and no latch speed regulation, making it dangerous to use and in violation of Massachusetts Regulations and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines. Our client suffered a broken left hip for which she underwent surgery and subsequently experienced life-threatening complications. Due to her frail health after the accident, our attorneys went to our client’s home numerous times to meet with her and conduct her deposition. The defendant denied liability for our client’s fall and the case was intensely litigated until we successfully negotiated a settlement of $200,000 a few months prior to trial.
  • Prosecuted a wrongful death action for the estate of a young woman who was run over from behind by an articulating boom lift construction vehicle while waiting at a crosswalk at a light. Although the various defendants steadfastly pointed to each other as the responsible party until the day of the trial, we were finally able to negotiate a settlement for the estate in the amount of $4,030,000.  Please see our News Update page for more information on this case.
  • Successfully litigated and settled a pharmaceutical case against a national drugstore chain where our client, who is blind, sought to fill a prescription for a narcotic drug.  The pharmacy filled the prescription, but dispensed double the prescribed dosage.  The plaintiff, over the course of a week, applied the medication as prescribed and suffered a debilitating overdose, which resulted in her suffering extreme discomfort, confusion, nausea, and lethargy.  The overdose caused permanent worsening of her sleep apnea that required numerous sleep studies and supplemental oxygen therapy during sleep.  The defendant pharmacy admitted the error, but disputed our client’s damages.  The case settled right before trial in mediation for $200,000.
  • Represented a tenant who fell off a second floor porch because the landlord had not properly secured the railing to the post.  When the tenant leaned on the railing, he fell 14 feet to the pavement below and sustained a severe head injury and other physical injuries. The case was tried to a jury to a successful conclusion in excess of $1 million dollars.
  • Successfully settled a case for a minor child who was lead poisoned in his apartment at age two, and later was diagnosed with a total loss of the ability to smell, which is a rare symptom of lead poisoning, called “anosmia.” When the sense of smell is lost, a person is unable to detect and/or identify dangerous substances, such as smoke and gas, or to enjoy the pleasures of life, such as pleasant fragrances. We were able to settle our client’s case for $150,000.
  • Pursued lawsuits for a class of former residents of the Fernald State School who had been secretly experimented on with radioactive isotopes in the 1940s and 1950s and settled those suits favorably with a Class Wide fund of over $2.5 million dollars for the victims and their families.

617- 720-1717 |
